
What is Randomization in Clinical Trials?

Doctors need to treat many people with different health conditions, and they need medicines. Scientists are already working on developing newer methodologies for better patient treatment. These medicines cannot be used directly without testing, so researchers perform clinical trials with humans.

The clinical trials are conducted with a randomization protocol to ensure accurate results without any bias. However, many people get confused about the randomization method. If you are confused and want to know more about randomization in clinical trials, then you are at the right place.

What is Randomization?

Randomization is the protocol in clinical trials, which allows researchers to randomly assign groups of participants to ensure the accuracy of the data. As the trials are divided into phases and the participants are in groups, this protocol helps researchers perform A/B Testing on them and accurately understand the safety and efficacy of medicine.

Importance of Randomization in Clinical Trials?

#1 – Avoid Selection Bias

As the participants and researchers are humans, there can be some bias toward one another. However, selection bias can be completely avoided with randomization. Everything is done through proper calculations, and the participants in the various groups are added at random. This is essential to avoid any conflicts in the trials.

#2 – Data Analysis

As the researchers have to collect all the data from the trials, analysis of the same is also important. With the randomization protocol, the collected data can be analyzed through all the statistical methods for better understanding. The entire process of randomization is also done through statistics. Hence, the collected data can be easily analyzed, and data accuracy can be ensured.

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#3 – Credibility

Researchers perform clinical trials for the sake of humanity. When there is randomization in the trials, the participants and the world can confirm the credibility and accuracy of the trials. The randomization process does not differentiate between race, creed, religion, caste or other factors; these trials become morally and ethically credible.

Final Words

Amongst all of the various protocols and regulations that the researchers have to follow while conducting the clinical trials, randomization stands out. This is one of the principles that does not differentiate between the participants and focuses on the accuracy of the trials. In this post, we tried our best to explain everything about the randomization protocol in clinical trials. If you have some questions in mind, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

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